Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Microwave oven side effects

SIDE EFFECTS OF MICROWAVE OVEN. What are the advantages and disadvantages of microwave oven? How does microwave oven works and is it harmful? Does a microwave oven affect a pacemaker?

GHz radiation — the frequency of radiation emitted by microwave ovens.

A study conducted by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University found the levels of radiation emitted by a microwave affect both heart rate and heart rate variability. These levels are within federal safety guidelines but tend to cause immediate and dramatic changes in heart rate. So do not use excessive amounts of time when heating water or liquids in the microwave oven.

Certain food items with non-porous surfaces like hotdogs and those composed of materials that heat at different rates like yolk and white of eggs can heat unevenly in microwave oven and may explode. Depression and irritability. Frequent urination and extreme thirst.

The water molecules rotate rapidly in the microwave and in the food in high frequencies which creates molecular friction and heats up your food which causes the molecular structure to change and as a result diminishes the nutrient content in the food. If you reheat or cook food in the microwave every day, it can lead to permanent, long-term damage. This is due to the transformation of food nutrients. The human body can’t break down unknown substances.

The same goes for food that the microwave alters. Better yet, a steam convection oven that can likely fit in the opening left when you toss out your microwave oven. This causes the water molecules in the food to resonate at very high frequencies and generate heat. Conventional heating of food is a different, much more gentler process altogether. Heat is transferred by convection from the outside to the inside.

This creates such violent friction that the water inside the food molecules begin to vibrate and heat up. In a microwave oven , alternating current forces atoms reverse polarity at a startlingly high rate. The dangers of microwaved foods.

This means that some places in the dish will be heated significantly (where the arrows of the standing wave, i.e. the peak of the wave, are), while others in the places of wave nodes (with zero amplitude intensity) will remain cold. The cavity of the microwave oven is outfitted with metal and covered by a paint. The metal bounces the microwaves inside the oven to heat the food.

Rusted parts on the interior will still bounce the waves, but the longer the rust has a presence, the more it can grow.

Once the paint inside the oven cavity begins to chip,. Vitamin C is perhaps the clearest example. But because microwave cooking times are shorter, cooking with a microwave does a better job of preserving vitamin C and other nutrients that break down when heated.

If you’ve ever cooked meat in a microwave, you’ve seen what unshielded non-ionizing radiation can do to flesh. However, the key word is “most. Thus, it does not pose any danger to the surroundings where it is placed. It is extremely important to maintain the functioning of the oven and it must be kept in a proper condition.

Microwaves are shielded specifically to prevent most leaks. However, FDA regulations require that microwave ovens are designed to prevent these high level radiation leaks.

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