or read online Wonder pdf (ePUB) book. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 4pages and is available in Paperback format. The story focuses on the life of a young 10-year-old boy by the name of August Pullman. August, nickname Auggie is a young New York native.
If you want to get the book, download Wonder Pdf by R. We have also reviewed the book so make sure that you read that as well. Every day most of the people search the book Wonder By R. You can make interested in every page and till the last page of the book Wonder. The last line of the book, “You are a wonder ”, shows how the author came up with the title. Do you think “ Wonder ” is a good title for the novel?
What would you have titled the book? ACTIVITIES with COMMON CORE STANDARDS : Language Arts: 1. Sections of the book are written by different characters in the book. August Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school. PALACIO lives in NYC with her husban two sons, and two dogs.
For more than twenty years, she was an art director and graphic designer, designing book jackets for other people while waiting for the perfect time in her life to start writing. They are to complete the attached questions. Comprehension Questions for Wonder As you read the novel, please stop after each bolded section and answer the questions.
He does ordinary things: eating ice cream, playing on his Xbox. Download the Daily Wonder App! He feels ordinary – inside.

However, this novel of prejudice is all about a child whom face is defected but his heart is full of beauty. She started writing this novel when a little incident happened with her. Topics wonder , auggie, julian, pluto Collection opensource Language English. August “Auggie” Pullman is a 10-year old boy with severe facial deformities struggling to find his place in the world.
We were completely taken with author R. This blog is a great resource for anyone teaching Wonder by R. Resources to Go With the Book “ Wonder ” By R. There are many resources to help you get started. Isn’t that Wonder book cover fantastic? What is the main theme of wonder ? Palacio available from Rakuten Kobo.

The lead character in Wonder , Auggie Pullman, is “an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face.
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