Ass a refrigerant, a liquid capable of vaporizing at low temperature, used in automotive air conditioning, the U. There is no required discharge pressure. Most manufacturers of equipment use 100deg. F as a standard for condensing temperature, in.
EVAPORATOR CONDENSER Temp. The system should be recovere vacuumed (min minutes) and charged. R134A Temperature - Pressure Chart. The gauges readings will depend on the ambient temperature.
The table below shows the comparison between temperature and pressure for R134a. Barg is the gauge read pressure. The term gauge signifies that the pressure has been read from a gauge that actually measures the difference between the pressure of the fluid or gas and the pressure of the atmosphere.

Psig is equal to psis at sea level (1 psi). Psig (inches of mercury) is equal to psia – 14. R-has become more common in refrigeration so that would depend upon the desired temperature. What is the lowest normal operating suction pressure that is acceptable on R134a chiller running water with no glycol or other low temp additives? We are operating a 2ton R134a chiller using a deg F evaporator leaving temperature setpoint.
Example of water cooled condenser is water cooled chillers for industrial project, where the cooling water is available from nearby lake or any other sources. Expansion: In this process a throttling device is used to reduce the pressure of the refrigerant from the discharge pressure (point3) to the suction pressure (point4). Your suction pressure is too high, 33psi 134a equals degree coil = discharge air of degrees.

I will look back and see if you mention high side pressure , I suspect you are over charged by a good bit. The resulting symptom will be a lower head pressure with a higher suction pressure. The symptoms for worn rings on a compressor are very similar to leaky valves. Previous post Next post.
Pressure sensors are installed to measure suction , discharge , and oil pressure. Thermistors are installed to measure cooler entering and leaving temperatures and outside air temperature. R-134a System Pressure Chart. Unit is suitable for communicating with BMS protocol such BACNET, MODBUS, etc. These are saturation temperatures for a given pressure.
If pressure is too high, you have overcharged. Check the receiver tank for refrigerant level. I charged 80percent of r134a. The next day ac was out on pressure switch I took gauge reading of 70psi on low side and 140psi on the high side I bled off some r134a but the compressor never came on. I am wondering what to do next.
I got a true brand cooler. I put a new cap tube and filter drier. Put a REAL gauge manifold on the system so you can see both suction and discharge pressures. For air conditioning system, Rpressure in discharge is250psi and suction in67psi.
But for R410A pressure will be more higher that R22. So what pressure is normal for air-conditioning systems.
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