Friday, 13 April 2018

Substation equipment and their functions pdf

Power System Structure The typical power system structure is shown in Fig. Substation Equipment Technologies. With Trustworthy Technology, Fuji Electric as a manufacturer of comprehensive substation equipment is ready to supply advanced gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) superior in reliability, disaster prevention, safety and environmental harmony.

Basically an electrical substation consists of number of incoming ckt. A substation receives electrical power from generating station via incoming transmission lines and delivers elect.

In any substation the main important is of protection which is firstly done by these lightening arrestors. The lightening arrestors are grounded to the earth so that it can pull the lightening to the ground. An electrical substation is an installation with electrical equipment capable of interrupting or establishing electrical circuits and changing the voltage, frequency, or other characteristics of the electrical energy flowing in. The equipment like bus bars, isolator, power transformer etc.

These are connected amid earth and line i. A number of outcoming feeders are connected to the substation bus to carry power from the substation to points of service. Feeders can be run overhead along streets, or beneath streets, and carry power to distribution transformers at or near consumer premises.

One purpose of a substation is to contain the equipment for changing electric energy from one voltage to another. In some cases like thermal plant, several hydroelectric, and wind farm electricity generation system, one can notice the collector substation , which can be useful for power transfer from several turbines in the only transmission unit. In the fault situations the electric apparatus and systems become dangerous to humans.

Part also provides an overview of substation major equipment , explaining the mission, and arrangement of each component. To better understand the importance of electrical substations , let’s start with a discussion about the structure of the power systems and their main components. Surge arresters are also provided near the transformer terminals phase to ground. The battery charging equipments comprises of a float charger and a boost charger.

Stabilization output voltage is provided in the float charger to float the battery at the correct level. A substation is a part of an electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system. Between the generating station and consumer, electric power may flow through several substations at different voltage levels.

Each substation is unique, balancing costs and components, to meet local electrical, power, control, and protection requirement s such as system impedances and short circuit ratings. Also, a fault may develop in a transmission line or any other component. The function of the substation is to isolate the faulted portion of the system in the shortest possible time. Supply of electric power to different consumers is done at low voltage level.

AVERAGE WINDING TEMPERATURE: The design of the transformer shall be such as the average winding temperature does not exceed 55°C at base rating and when tested at 1 of , base rating, shall not exceed 65°C. DIELECTRIC COOLANT: The design of the transformer shall be such as the dielectric coolant shall be Envirotemp FRfluid or equal.

BASIC COMPONENTS OF AN ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION. Conductors are of different types and mostly aluminum conductors are preferred in practical power systems. Normally electrical grid can be considered as simple circuit which includes power source or generation, power transmission and electricity distribution lines for connecting to the electricity consumers.

The role of electrical substation is most important in terms of converting the voltages to match the transmission and distribution levels. These components are connected in a definite sequence such that a circuit can be switched off during normal operation by manual command and also automatically during abnormal.

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