Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Remote viewing

Is remote viewing real or fake? How did remote viewing begin? How can I learn to remote view? It encompasses an amalgamation of traits of other psychic abilities, such as extrasensory perception, telepathy, and astral projection, without equaling these abilities.

The adherents or practitioners go into a trance or meditative state, focusing their attention on their “target” and feeding back to the group their findings or impressions.

What Is Remote Viewing ? Similar to clairvoyance, remote viewing is the ability to sense accurate details and information regarding a location (that is non-local or distant), event, or a person without utilizing any obvious means or any of your physical senses. Remote-viewing procedures were originally developed in laboratories funded by the United States military and intelligence services and used for espionage purposes. One of the ways you can experience the Greater Reality is through remote viewing , a form of psychic ability very common among people. Remote viewers see objects and scenes hundreds or thousands of miles away by closing their eyes and focusing on the object or place.

Craig, author of this Web site, can do it. Military and intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA).

Imagine an ability that allows you to perceive information from a distance. Read on to learn how to remote view and discover fascinating facts about this amazing. A Remote Viewing session begins with a “cue” or question that defines the data you are seeking. By Susan Harper Todd Guest Writer for Wake Up World Several years ago now I began practising Remote Viewing. I can’t remember now how I first came across it, but the moment I stumbled across a website which talked about Remote Viewing and how to do it, I wanted to try it.

My personal remote viewing home page featuring a description of the phenomenon, some stunning examples, how I use it to predict the future, some essays on the nature of consciousness and time, and a comprehensive list of further resources. Among some of the ideas that Puthoff supported regarding remote viewing was the claim in the book Occult Chemistry that two followers of Madame Blavatsky, founder of theosophy, were able to remote - view the inner structure of atoms. Michael Shermer investigated remote viewing experiments and discovered a problem with the target selection list. Explore expanding your consciousness, focusing your mind to receive information, and ultimately, remote sensing of the unseen.

Go Beyond the Boundaries of Time and Space. The Remote Viewing Program is a multifaceted experience. You will have the unique opportunity to explore all three roles associated with Remote Viewing. The Farsight Institute is the leading civilian research and educati. Using a set of protocols (technical rules), the remote viewer can perceive a target - a person, object or event - that is located distantly in time and space.

Extended Remote Viewing is a popular type of remote viewing. The Viewer lies down on a be couch or recliner while a skilled hypnotist or monitor interviews the Viewer about the Target.

The word “Target” is whatever the Viewer is supposed to view. Several major intelligence breakthroughs in the past years were discovered thanks to the use of remote viewers. Metaphysical and psychic phenomena have long existed on the fringes of conventional science and academia.

The purpose of this site is to bring together very simple, intelligent explanations available on the Internet to help people new to remote viewing understand it and improve their skills. A mental process called REMOTE VIEWING can be used to accurately predict the outcome of any future event. Normally it is performed to detect current events, but during military and domestic intelligence applications viewers claimed to sense things in the future, experiencing precognition.

Remote viewing attempts to sense unknown information about places or events.

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